Deviated Sects and Bidah

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A Gift to the Sunni in Demolishing the Creed of the Shi'ah
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The Beliefs of Rafidah & the Shia Taken from Minhaj as Sunnah
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Beneficial Answers to Questions on Innovated Methodologies
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Unity & the Abandonment of Parties with a Modern Day Cause of Disunity
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Descriptions of the Khawarij
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An Unequivocal Clarification Exposing The Qadiyani Ahmadiyya Sect
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Regarding The Celebration Of The Prophet’s Birthday: The Mawlid
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Statements of the People of Knowledge Regarding the Soofeeyah
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An Answer Regarding Swearing by Other than Allaah & Prayer Towards the Graves
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Characteristics of the Hypocrites
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The Devil's Deception
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The Mirage in Iran
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Khawarij and Jihaad
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A critical analysis of the Modernists and the Hadeeth Rejecters
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Fundamental Shiite Beliefs
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The Right Way
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Bidah, Ibn Rajab al Hanbali
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The Obligation of Adhering to the Sunnah and a Caution against Innovation
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Ruling on Celebrating Middle of Shaban
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The Obligation of Adhering to the Sunnah and a Caution Against Innovation, Ibn Baz
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The Ideological Attack, Ibn Baz
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From the Manhaj of Boycotting the People of Bida, al-Albani
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Bid`ah (innovation in the religion) classified into five categories, Ibn Baz
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Difference between following and innovation, Ibn Baz
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Acts of Bid`ah when offering condolences, Ibn Baz
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Every Innovation is a Misguidance, al-Albani
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Innovations of Hajj, ‘Umrah and Visiting Madinah, al-Albani
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Adding words to Khutbatul-Haajah, al-Albani
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Answering those who accuse Ahlus-Sunnah of having irjaa, al-Albani
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A collection of some of the principles of bida, al-Albani
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Innovation people fall into giving Salaam to gathering, al-Albani
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The consequences of bida’ and extremism in the Religion, al-Albani
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Hadeeths to be authentic by kashf is Soofee innovation, al-Albani
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Difference in debating between Ahl-us-Sunnah and Innovators, al-Albani
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Differentiating between innovations, al-Albani
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The extremist Soofees and the Unity of Being (Wahdatul-Wujood), al-Albani
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Establishing proof against and keeping away from people of innovation, al-Albani
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Distinction between praying behind innovators and mixing with them, al-Albani
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Is it permissible to defame a companion of Bida’ or to Speak Against him and Criticize him, al-Albani
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Making (Hajr) boycotting the Ahl-ul-Bida, al-Albani
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Propagating the books of the misguided sects, al-Albani
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Not justifying one’s deviation, al-Albani
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How to distinguish between Sunnah and Arab culture, al-Albani
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Salafeeyoon ignore Tawaghit and Haakimiyyah, al-Albani
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Keep your bid’ah and your money, Ibn Uthaymeen!
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Saying Ramadhaan Kareem, Ibn Uthaymeen
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The followers of the leaders of the groups of innovation, Ibn Uthaymeen
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You Are an Innovator, Ibn Uthaymeen
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Is speaking about people of innovation considered backbiting, Ibn Uthaymeen
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Allaah has cursed those who accommodate innovators, Ibn Uthaymeen
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Dealing with relatives who are upon innovation, al-Fawzaan
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Whoever does not warn against bid’ah is not a Da’ee, al-Fawzaan
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Advice to those who spread tapes and books of innovators, al-Fawzaan
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It’s not permissible to praise the innovator, al-Fawzaan
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Innovators are like scorpions, al-Fawzaan
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Do not have a good thought about the innovator, al-Fawzaan
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Criticising the innovator divides the Muslim Ummah, al-Fawzaan
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Saying Ju’muaah Mubaarak, al-Fawzaan
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Prostration of thankfulness upon scoring, al-Fawzaan
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Ashura as a day of mourning for the killing of Hussein
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Al-Fatihah to have your needs fulfilled
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Travelling from one place to another to commemorate the birthdays of pious
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Scholar calls someone an innovator, is student obliged to follow
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Rushing to declare someone who has correct ’Aqeedah to be innovator
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People who are hasty in declaring others to be innovators
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If you don’t call him an innovator then we will call you an innovator
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Shaykh calls someone an innovator, is student to follow